Is Stress Killing YOU? Please Share my Article from Life Extraordinary Magazine with your loved ones!

Stress has been highlighted as a precursor to many illnesses. Feeling stressed out? Leading chef, Cassandra Austin tells us why stress is killing you. Did you know too much adrenalin upsets the livers cortisol which can lead to sickness, potential weight gain and a foggy mind? So what causes high levels of adrenalin and therefore cortisol? […]
Are you done with failed Diets? Time to Change? Metabolism Boosting Meal’s Work Shop

Work Smarter not Harder, speed up the burn with these great ingredients, recipe & tips. Join me at my very own workshop!
Pears, Immune booster, Stress reliever, Free radical fighter, Weight loss Warrior read on for more …

Pears are packed with Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, boron, calcium, copper, fibre, folate, glutathione, hydroxycinnamic acid, magnesium, manganese, potassium and quercetin
Cabbage, did you know it contains more vitamin c than an orange

Cabbage is chock full of essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin B1, vitamin B6, beta-Carotene, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin U, folate, fibre, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, potassium and tryptophan
Kale, Amazing KING of Greens, find out why its a mega immune booster and hailed the new beef

Kale is revered as green veggie royalty with an embarrassment of nutritional riches including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and omega-3 fatty acids
Ginger, detoxifier, did you know some singers use it too sweeten their voice? read on for more amazing facts

The herb is the edible root of the plant Zingiber Officinale and is full of health and wellness properties. Find out what they are.
Carrots, what was the original colour of the carrot? read on to find out

This super food should have vitamin A emblazoned on its bright orange skin But that is not the carrot’s only claim to fame. Find out more.
Blackberries find out the fantabulous new discovery of these black beauties…..

Theres been a fantabulous new discovery on these black beautys, they are now found to help reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Blackberries are high in Vitamin C, A, E, K, Manganese, Fiber, Ellargic and Salicylic acid
Figs, much more to them than an aphrodisiac and linked to fertility read on for more real benefits

Said to be Cleopatra’s favorite food, the sweet, purple fruit is sexy in both appearance and texture.
Skin Food, These are the Real Miracle Babies Ladies, No Nonsense Real Tips

So Often we look to what we can slather on ourselves to help our Skin look radiant, healthy and therefore beautiful, just remember whats good for the inside will show on the outside. Print this blog and head to the market to find the Real Deal.