Metabolism Boosting Video & Recipe

Casstronomy Weight loss metabolic boosting recipe Virgin Mary Oyster shots with Chai, pistachio & Keffir Ingredients Serves 6 Mini meal Canape of appetizer for dinner party For Virgin Mary mix 125 ml cooked homemade tomato juice tomato,s with a little stevia or rapardsa to sweeten if desired over refined sugar (metabolic boosting) Cooking tomato increases […]
Ladies…Did you know Unbalanced Hormones can make you fat, stupid and sick?

Read on to learn how to get your Sizzle back Yep, Its True Wellness Makes you thin , healthy and smart So what causes it you ask? Well here are a few and most we can control with lifestyle changes Poor Diet Eating too many carbs can disrupt cortisol and some corticosteroids (a blood pressure-stabilizing hormone) […]
Want to know the truth about long term Weight loss, 2 weeks into the New Year, how are your plans going?
The real Truth about weight loss is not some new fad diet that will be gone next year after you shed your kilos and put them all back again, no that’s so not it There is so much money to be made by companies with the growing epidermic of the western diet that those companies just want to sell you […]
Shocking Aussie food facts you should know for better health

Australian food facts that you didnt know A Growing Iodine deficiency “According to research in Australia (March 2021). Iodine deficiency is a shortage of iodine in a person’s body. There is a growing problem in Australia with iodine deficiency, mostly among children, and pregnant or breastfeeding women. This puts them at risk of thyroid problems […]
Confused about Food Additives from 400, 40 are deemed safe and named here, read on

Some Common Causes of Negative Food Reactions are listed below From preservatives and natural salicylates Flavour enhancers – monosodium glutamate (MSG or Flavour Enhancer 621) The natural laxative in prunes and some other dried fruits Digestive diseases Mineral sulfur Enzyme deficiencies such as lactose intolerance Some are Negative Food Reactions are Psychological Aversions It possible that […]
Limes, post menopausal ladies read on… and to beautify use the skin

Health Benefits of Limes These zesty little fruits contain anti-oxidant liminoids, a high vitamin C count, calcium, citric acid, fibre, folate, rich potassium content and the flavonoid, hesperidin WELLNESS The lime has long been celebrated for its bright, tropical punch of flavor and outstanding health benefits including but not limited to Anti-cancer properties Liminoids […]
Jalapeno pepper, Metabolism, Immune booster, decongestant and powerpacked antioxidant

Health Benefits of Jalapeño Peppers This feisty little Spanish pepper is chock full of nutritional goodness including a wealth of vitamins A, C and K, some of the B complex, a small amount of E as well as capsaicin, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc WELLNESS If you can stand the heat, then you […]
Honeydew Melon, find out how it can improve mood, sleep and more elastic, younger skin

Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon Honeydew melon is rich in vitamin C, several essential B vitamins such as folate, thiamine and niacin, in addition to copper, iron, fibre and potassium WELLNESS This sweet, juicy fruit is a delicious and highly nutritious addition to your food repertoire due its numerable health benefits including but not limited to […]
Cumquats (Kumquats) or clementines read on to find out how they make you feel good

The Health Benefits of Clementines Ideal as a convenient snack food, Clementines are low in calories, while supplying a wide range of nutrition. Only two clementines will supply your daily recommended intake of vitamin C and the fruit is also high in vitamin B1, B9, fiber and beta carotene Wellness Collagen production and immunity One […]
Bananas, they dry out pimples, reduce pms mood swings & brown spots prevent against cancer

The Health Benefits of Bananas WellnessBananas contain tryptophan, serotonin and norepinephrine, which help alleviate depression .There rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, the B vitamins found help to calm and soothe the nervous system. B6 also alleviates the symptoms of irritability and sleeplessness. Recent studies have shown the skin of bananas and flesh directly under have […]