
Shocking Aussie food facts you should know for better health

Food facts, the importance of a breakfast high in fresh produce for your mind and body and how to cook them by Cassandra Austin of Casstronomy

Australian food facts that you didnt know

A Growing Iodine deficiency

“According to research in Australia (march 2021).

Iodine deficiency is a shortage of iodine in a person’s body.

There is a growing problem in Australia with iodine deficiency, especially among children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. This puts them at risk of thyroid problems and leads to other serious consequences.”

“It is important that you get enough and critical that you do not get to much.” We end up with Iodine poisoning if we get too much.

There is a great seaweed wellness blend recipe in my free E book here; https://casstronomy.info/ wait for the pop up


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According to 2017/18 Australian institute health and welfare

  • Less than 1 in 10 Australian Woman eat enough fruit and vegetables.
  • 3 in 5 Australian women are either overweight or obese.
  • 92% did not eat enough vegetables in the high socioeconomic areas compared with 94% in the lowest.
  • Coronary disease is still the leading course of death in men.
  • Dietary requirements differ for older Australians (over 65). from the standard model.


According to “THE AIHW Australia’s Food and Nutrition 2012

25 percent of men and 10 percent of woman aged 65 and over  did not eat enough protein foods.

Six in 10 adults where overweight or obese, with the latest national data showing 36 percent are obese.

Poor dietary intake increases the risk of developing chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

The good news is that an adequate intake of nutrients based on dietary recommendations are being achieved.

However many Australians are not following a balanced diet, leaning towards food high in fat and sugar. These foods contribute to 36 percent of energy intake for adults and 41 percent for children which is far higher than recommended.

9 OUT OF 10 adults are not eating enough vegetables, and only 50 percent where eating enough fruit.

Whether people choose to eat healthily or unhealthily is often based on economics rather than nutrition. The cost of healthy food is increasing at a faster rate than the cost of less healthy food.

When we know what to do, Why aren’t we doing it… Most of us know what’s right and wrong. Facts show that 80 percent of weight loss is diet based. Research shows those who are supported during and after the process of change are 90 percent more likely to achieve long term results.


How to get real results with corporate nutrition and well being programs

  • With lots of easy videos on how to get organized to stay on top. Having the right ingredients, A 5-page list of food lists that are good for you.
  • What you need to chose  to keep your pantry better stocked.
  • Corporate nutrition and wellness challenges.
  • Simple knife skills and the utensils you need.
  • Easy, modern healthy cooking methods.
  • Recipes to use as a base and how to use the internet to your advantage.
  • Cooking videos to get you started.
  • The balance of your plate.

Design your culinary life for corporate nutrition and wellbeing with help ;

  1. fun activities
  2. 10 fast facts cheat sheets
  3. 101 Coaching strategies
  4. Back up Q&A support from Cass


Do not let your head get in the way of your success. The proof is in the pudding right ! 

Learn more below;

Corporate Nutrition and Wellbeing

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management  & Business



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