
Limes, post menopausal ladies read on… and to beautify use the skin


Health Benefits of Limes


These zesty little fruits contain anti-oxidant liminoids, a high vitamin C count, calcium, citric acid, fibre, folate, rich potassium content and the flavonoid, hesperidin


The lime has long been celebrated for its bright, tropical punch of flavor and outstanding health benefits including but not limited to

Anti-cancer properties Liminoids are strong anti-oxidants known to help prevent blood, colon, stomach and prostate cancer and can even induce apoptosis, or cell death, in those already combatting cancer.  Vitamin C in its role as anti-oxidant, combats cell damage potentially caused by free radicals, repairs cell tissue, and staves off various forms of cancer including those of the cervix, esophagus, oral cavity, pancreas, rectum and stomach

Arthritis Citric acid helps to eliminate uric acid and buildup, which can cause the painful inflammation commonly associated with arthritis.  Vitamin C, in its role as superpower anti-oxidant can override the cell damage caused by free radicals and reduce some of the uncomfortable symptoms of osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, in particular

Constipation As a result of their high acid content and reasonable fibre content, limes help clear out our excretory tracts

Digestive health The natural acidity of limes coupled with their flavonoids, aid in the digestive process by breaking down food molecules and increasing acid, bile and digestive juice secretions

Eye health Anti-oxidant vitamin C protects our eyes from suffering age-related macular degeneration and eye infections

Healthy bones, healthy teeth Vitamin C is essential for healthy gums, and calcium is critical for strong bones and teeth

Heart health The flavonoid hesperidin can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  Anti-oxidant Vitamin C slows down atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, and lowers blood pressure.  Potassium regulates the heartbeat and lowers blood pressure, as well

Hemorrhoids Vitamin C and flavonoids help treat painful hemorrhoids and can even prevent cancer in that region

Immune system health As an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids, limes can do wonders to boost your immune system and have reputed anti-bacterial capacities and disinfectant properties.  Limes can fight off everything from the common cold to cholera and have a fever-reducing capacity, as they tend to lower the body’s internal temperature

Kidney stones Lime juice contains a wealth of citric acid and can prevent the development of kidney stones

Men’s health Lime’s disinfectant properties have been shown to half prostate growth

Scurvy Limes are wildly known and long revered as a cure for scurvy, which is caused by a vitamin C deficiency

Urinary tract health Potassium disposes of the toxins, which sometimes get stuck in the bladder and kidneys, and thus successfully prevents urinary infections

Women’s health Calcium and folate, both in abundance in limes, are vital to women who are in the post-menopausal stage of their lives and women who are of the childbearing years



Anti-aging abilities The lime’s peels contain a melanin inhibitor, which prevents melanin from building up in the skin and causing spots and discoloration.  The juice and oils in limes contain a huge amount of vitamin C and flavonoids, both powerful anti-oxidants in their own right, which can help exfoliate the skin if used topically, and keep it wrinkle-free and radiant looking


With 2 grams of fibre in just one medium lime, and an enormity of citric acid, the lime is a terrific weight loss tool as it reduces sugar absorption and keeps our bodies flushed out on a consistent basis.  Also, Vitamin C absorbs calcium in fat cells, which can help with losing weight, as well



The lime is the sweeter relative of the lemon, with a tropical flair, and this twist of tangy effervescence has infused thousands of tantalizing culinary creations

Stir up a big pitcher of homecrafted limeade, perfect to quench your thirst on a hot summer’s day or give you a quick delicious immune-boosting shot of vitamin C in the winter.  Just combine a half cup fresh lime juice, the zest from those squeezed limes, four cups of water, simple syrup made of sugar or even honey, pour into a large pitcher, refrigerate for at least an hour and serve in festive glasses garnished with mint sprigs

Peel the skin, blanch and keep in olive oil in the fridge, use in cooking soups, stews, salads and curries for fantastic beauty benefits and flavour

A really lovely appetizer that highlights limes is a Thai Coconut Coup lavished with fresh lime juice, lime leaves, Thai chills, garlic cloves, chicken stock and unsweetened coconut milk, to name a few of the main ingredients in this sumptuous starter that can either be served warm or chilled

Chili-lime rubs are all the rage these days and are quite simple to make at home.  Really, they are just a combo of lime juice and rinds, minced garlic, quality EVOO, and a plethora of awesome and easy to find in the supermarket aisles spices including chili powder, coriander, cumin,

cinnamon, oregano and good ol’ salt and pepper.  This rub is perfect massaged into pre-grilled skinless chicken breasts of even a whole oven roasted chicken

Lime juice and lime zest can be incorporated with some fish sauce, curry paste and a variety of exotic spices of your choosing such as coriander and made into an outrageously delectable broth on which to rest your gently seared Salmon fillet.

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management  & Business



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