
Food Safety is Important at home too, you can kill more people with food than a gun

Food Safety

Food Safety Tips

Clean all Equipment Thoroughly:

Its important that all work areas and equipment are thoroughly clean so bacteria cant survive and grow when the equipment is used
Particularly items such as knifes, slicers and chopping boards. They need to be sanitised using water hotter than 77c for at least 30 seconds or a chemical sanitiser to be used

Avoid Cross Contamination:

 Dangerous bacteria can be transferred from raw food to cooked food if they become in contact with each other
To avoid this happening its important to wash and sanitise all equipment used as mentioned above, after each task using raw food
Store uncooked and raw food below cooked and ready to eat foods in your refrigerator

Cool Food Quickly:

Cooked food should not be left sitting out for more than 1 hour
 When food is cooked it needs to be cooled quickly and placed in the refrigerator
If you are cooking in bulk, spread it out in shallow trays allowing it to cool faster and divide into smaller amounts

Cook Food Thoroughly:

Ensure food is thoroughly defrosted during cooking
Food that’s been cooked in the microwave needs to be stirred to ensure its hot all the way through
 Check that food reaches 75c, especially meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products

When reheating food, make sure you heat it quickly to 70c and keep it at that temperature for at least 2 minutes

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management  & Business



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