The Antioxidant levels of Artichokes” Globe”
The Artichoke is classed the highest vegetable (herb) in antioxidant levels. its very high in fibre, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other trace elements important for a healthy body. Its especially good for poor liver function.
Cholesterol Lowering . Luteolin is found in leaves, and in high amounts in artichokes. Its been shown to prevent LDL-cholesterol oxidation and can reduce the chance of arterial disease.
Lower Blood Pressure The diuretic properties of the herb makes it a potent natural anti-hypertensive and hence it is used in lowering the blood pressure..
Digestive Problems helps digestion by increasing the production of bile which is released into the gallbladder aiding digestion and increasing viamin absorption
Assists Hayfever prevention A flavonoid, Quercetin, also found in artichokes is a natural antihistamine
Helps relieve Sinus Quercetin also increases the effective of vitamin C in the body, and reduces inflammation of the membrane lining a sinus
Prevents Cancer Another important flavonoid found in artichokes is Silymarin which has been identified as a cancer preventative.
Liver Cleanser Silymarin is good for the liver as it helps repair damaged tissue and protects the liver from further damage
Detoxification and Revitalizing A good source of anti-oxidants such as silymarin, caffeic acid and ferulic acid, which help body protect from harmful free-radical agents
Other health benefits include
Anti inflammotary
Reduce blood sugar
Relieve abdominal pain indigestion
Nausea and bloating
Musculo skeletal disorders
Artichokes only have about 25 calories
Improved liver function makes weight loss easier as the metabolic assimilation of food is more efficient
Improved skin luminosity Globes help the body rid itself of excess water and toxins
Diretic Artichoke possesses strong diuretic properties eliminating bloating and fluid retention
Infusion: use the leaves you normally throw away. You will need about 12-15 leaves per half litre (approx. 2 cups) of boiling water. Pour over the chopped leaves and allow to brew for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 2 cups during the day
Poach and preserve in a vinegar, lemon juice, herbs and oil
Slice and serve on pizzas, toss through pastas and risottos
Bake with preserved lemon, olive oil, garlic, chilli finish with mint
So Love your Liver today, swap a couple of glasses of wine for a couple of gorgeous Globes x