
Coconut, find out why its an excellent hangover cure

The health benefits of Coconut by Cassandra Austin of Casstronomy

Coconut is quickly gaining popularity due to its many health benefits, and for good reason. Great for the gastrointestinal tract, coconut oil has anti-microbial properties helps to fight bacteria and fungi, while supporting a healthy heart and positively affecting cholesterol levels. This type of oil can also be used on skin and hair as a natural moisturizer. The high fiber content in this meat aids digestion, while coconut water is an excellent drink to hydrate and replenish mineral levels


Digestion The meat of the it is high in fiber, aiding digestion and helping to maintain a healthy gut. Since coconut supplies insoluble fiber, which the body cannot digest, no calories are derived from this fiber and it has a favorable effect in blood sugar. Coconut flour is the best source to get coconut fiber

Heart health Coconut provides short and medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) which are essential to good health. In contrast to the long chain fatty acids (LCFA), which are found in most saturated fats and have a negative effect on cholesterol levels, MCFA’s protect against heart disease and lowers the risk of atherosclerosis

Healthy gut Besides being high in fiber, coconut has many additional benefits to digestion. Coconut oil has anti-microbial properties, helping to fight bacteria, fungi and parasites. Coconut also aids the absorption of other vitamins and minerals

Hydration According to a study that was published in 2010, coconut water replaced body fluids as good as sports drinks and better than water. But with lesser calories, higher levels of potassium and no added sugar, this type of water is a way healthier choice than sport drinks and is an excellent start on curing a hangover by replacing moisture and electrolytes

Weight Loss

Good Fat Replacing low quality oils for coconut oil adds necessary fats to your diet, increasing energy levels and metabolism. Coconut oil actually stabilizes blood sugar and avoids cravings


Healthy skin coconut oil is a wonderful product for skin care. An excellent natural moisturizer with antioxidants that keep the skin from aging, coconut oil also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help many skin disease like yeast infections.

Healthy hair coconut oil has been used in many cultures as a natural hair care. Using coconut in your hair on a regular basis prevents and repairs damaged hair and its anti-fungal properties make it an excellent dandruff treatment. Apply a small amount coconut oil to the hair after washing, or use this oil as a hair mask, letting it soak in overnight.


Substituting 10 to 30% of regular flour for coconut flour in baking recipes greatly increases the amount of fiber. Some recipes can be made with 100% coconut flour, like muffins, pancakes and cakes. This type of flour has a slightly sweet coconutty taste

Coconut oil is a great oil to cook with and can stand high temperatures without burning. Virgin, cold pressed oil is a healthy addition to any diet and can be added to smoothies, cereals and salad dressings

To cream up curries, sauces and soups, coconut milk is a tasty and healthy alternative to regular cream. Add a can of this milk to your pumpkin soup, together with a teaspoon of curry powder for an Indian variation to your traditional pumpkin soup

Fresh Shaved though salads or cut into wedges and toasted makes a great snack

Shredded coconut does well in breakfasts and desserts. Combining chia seeds, shredded coconut and almond milk with a rice malt syrup and vanilla makes a soothing & yummo dessert.

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management  & Business



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