Blueberries, find out what the most powerful antioxidant fruit can do for you and why wild ones are best!!

This amazing little beauty has a component that makes them blue is called Anthocyanin, Wild berries have over 40 percent more power busting ability so if you can grow your own even better.
Ladies, Collagen building Avocado’s. Read on for more no nonsense facts and cooking tips. Have a happy & healthy Easter!!!

Fresh Avocado contains more fibre, folate, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin than any other commonly eaten fruit per gram.
What Root/Tuber has the highest Iron content? Read on to find out!

The Jerusalem artichoke is high in two essential minerals: potassium and magnesium.
Did you know 25% of our foods should be acid and 75% of our foods should be alkaline? Help Stop Aches and Pains with Food!!

Did you know 25% of our foods should be acid and 75% of our foods should be alkaline? Find out why…
5 FREE TIPS on How to Raise your metabolic rate and some foods that will help you “Speed up your Sizzle”. Read on for some more facts!!

Raising your metabolic rate is desirable to have a healthy body and if you want to lose weight, even more desirable.
My top 10 fast food’s without weight gain to help you get through the silly season!!

We live in a fast-moving world, there is a ready now expectation and fast food is sometimes unavoidable. The best we can do is to be informed and make the best decisions available to us.
Is Stress Killing YOU? Please Share my Article from Life Extraordinary Magazine with your loved ones!

Stress has been highlighted as a precursor to many illnesses. Feeling stressed out? Leading chef, Cassandra Austin tells us why stress is killing you. Did you know too much adrenalin upsets the livers cortisol which can lead to sickness, potential weight gain and a foggy mind? So what causes high levels of adrenalin and therefore cortisol? […]
Are you done with failed Diets? Time to Change? Metabolism Boosting Meal’s Work Shop

Work Smarter not Harder, speed up the burn with these great ingredients, recipe & tips. Join me at my very own workshop!
Did you know raw honey has 27 minerals and 22 amino acids? Read on to find out more amazing facts

Raw honey boosts your immunity and your digestive system because it has 27 minerals, 22 amino acids and about 500 live enzymes in one table-spoon.
Pears, Immune booster, Stress reliever, Free radical fighter, Weight loss Warrior read on for more …

Pears are packed with Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, boron, calcium, copper, fibre, folate, glutathione, hydroxycinnamic acid, magnesium, manganese, potassium and quercetin