
What Root/Tuber has the highest Iron content? Read on to find out!


The benefits of Artichokes ”Jerusalem”

The Jerusalem artichoke is high in two essential minerals: potassium and magnesium.

Potassium is a mineral that helps your heart to beat properly, keeps your blood pressure in the healthy range and assists healthy muscle function decreasing muscle spasms and strain, other benefits include:


Aids Digestion due to its high fibre content.

Helps Diabetes Insulin helps keep blood sugar stable, like Globe artichokes they are high in inulin and are beneficial for individuals who have diabetes.

Immune System Iron is an essential mineral that enables your body to produce healthy red blood cells and transports oxygen to every part of your body. Jerusalem artichokes contain more iron than any root or tuber vegetable. Its important for maintaining your immune system and helps protect against bad germs, bacteria and other substances.

Liver Health a diet high in iron can help protect against the damage caused by free radicals and also encourages healthy function of your liver.

Reduces Risk of Cancer Due to the Inulin which supports healthy bacteria in your stomach and colon.

Reduces inflammation and viral cough and cold.

Weight loss

Fibre gives you energy, adding Jerusalem artichokes to your diet may help you boost your metabolism.


High Fibre content ingested with lots of water gives skin new softness and radiance. Additionally, keeping your skin  hydrated will help to diminish lines and wrinkles, and eliminate pimples and blackheads.


My favourite way to eat Jerusalem artichokes is Raw leave the skin on just clean well

soups  like a potato like texture to cook.

salads  they are similar to water chestnuts in texture an mix well lightly cooked in Asian style stir fry’s & salads.

roast just like other root vegetables, they have a waxy, nutty type flavour when cooked, a welcome new companion to the Sunday roast .

pesto  treat them like a nut and use them as a substitute for them in your favourite dishes.

“So next time you see them don’t walk past pick them up and add some more variety into your diet today” 

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management  & Business



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