“Top 10 activities in Agnes Water for a happy, healthy, getaway”

These 10 things you can do to improve your Health and Well being in Agnes Water 1770 , simply in our natural surroundings and participating in them, something we all need in the wake of Covid 19 stresses.
Quinces, immune booster and anti inflammatory

Quinces are laden with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, pectin fibre, phosphorous, potassium, poly-phenolic anti-oxidants, selenium, tannins including catechin and epicatechin and zinc.
Nectarines, for beauty, wellness, weight management and modern cooking tips

These non-fuzzy fruits are often confused with peaches and contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Beta-carotenes, bioflavonoids, calcium, carotenoids, fibre, folic acid, iron, lutein, magnesium, natural sugars, pantothenic acid, potassium, phosphorous, pyridoxine and thiamine.
Apricots more beta carotene than carrots, great for skin health!

Apricots have a wide array of health benefits from outer beauty to the prevention of digestive conditions.
Breadfruit, diabetes fighter, Vitamin C and detoxifying benefits

This fruit from a tropical rain forest tree of the same name, is a must-eat as it is literally bursting with energy and nutrients.
Honeydew, slow Alzheimer’s, love your heart and immune health

Honeydew melon is rich in vitamin C, several essential B vitamins such as folate, thiamine and niacin, in addition to copper, iron, fibre and potassium.
Bean Sprouts, high protein, low calorie, antioxidant & Immune booster

Bean sprouts are the first edible growth of a plant and can be grown quickly and easily from dried beans.
Radishes creative new cooking tips, did you know the leaves are edible?

The humble radish is teeming with nutrients that promote a healthy body both inside and out! Find out how.
Gooseberries,These Immune boosters have 20 times more vitamin than oranges

Gooseberries are healthy little devils comprised of twenty times the amount of Vitamin C as oranges and so much more.
Boysenberry, a unique blend high in antioxidants

This lesser known berry has some intriguing health properties that are just starting to be appreciated by the general public.