
Beetroot, did you know the young leaves contain more Iron than Spinach read on for more real facts!!


There are multiple benefits in adding beetroot to your diet. This root vegetable is a natural detoxifier and blood purifier. its high in pro-vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C. Its high in fibre, folic acid, iodine add to the list magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, in fact there is more iron in young beetroot leaves than in spinach leaves.


Immune system  beetroot encourages the production of antibodies that fight against disease or infection inside our body. The white blood cells including leukocytes and phagocytes are responsible for fighting infection. This vegetable gives them nutritional support to carry out this purpose.

Antioxidant this vegetable is also a beneficial antioxidant which provides better health and support for our liver and kidneys.

Heart Disease and Cancer Due to manganese which is really necessary for the formation of interferon that is a potent anticancer substance and beet’s colour is red because of the betanin pigment found in beet. This betanin pigment is also known as a prominent anthocyanin antioxidant by fighting free radicals in the body.

Blood Pressure Beetroot juice has been shown to reduce high blood pressure. It affects an estimated 25% of the world’s adult population, drinking 500 ml of beetroot juice a day can significantly reduce high blood pressure, for over 24 hours after drinking.

It can also assist in over coming constipation, piles, poor circulation, kidney disorders, dandruff, gall bladder disorders, coronary heart disease, strokes and anemia.

Weight loss

High Fibre and they are beneficial to the digestive system.

Laxative Beetroot has a laxative effect, assisting bloating and constipation.

Low in calories Its great if you are on a calorie restricted diet.


Young and Healthy Beetroot is rich in iron. It boosts red blood cells with required iron and facilitates the supply of oxygen towards the cells making our body healthy and young.

Beetroot juice on your face You can apply beetroot juice to your face to hydrate the skin’s surface and give it an extra boost of nutrients, leave on clean face for about 15 minutes and then wash off.

Acne treatment it can also be used topically for acne but needs to be diluted first.

Healing Wounds this root vegetable’s leaves are also good for curing wounds.


I grow beetroot in my own garden and it tastes sweet and fantastic, I love juicing it, home-grown beetroot tastes so sweet.

Use the baby beetroot leaves in salads, they will continue to grow and replenish.

Remember golden beetroot, baby ones in a goat cheese, pistachio nut salad with a rhubarb dressing “delectable”.

Make Beetroot Pickles, chutney and relish when they are seasonally abundant, add some balsamic vinegar for a twist.

It’s a great addition to chocolate cake, get fussy kids to eat it and can be used in many desserts. A great spice carrier too if used in place of a fruit coulis a sweet beetroot puree with a citrus dessert.

Make a dip boil, peel, blend, add tahini paste, roast cumin seeds, a little marmalade, lemon juice and olive oil.

Borscht the traditional Russian beetroot soup is fantastic, if you have not tried this classic you really need too.

Make vegetable chips, slice thinly, bake on canola sprayed grease proof paper sprinkled with sea salt.

Roast and serve in salads for colour and flavour, beetroot, orange, walnut and Persian feta is a favorite.

Use the leaves in soup or as an alternative to silverbeet and spinach. You will be surprised just how Yummy they are.

“So put away the can opener, there is more than the tinned stuff on the supermarket shelf and buy these beautiful ruby globes, give your body a kick start to the weekend today”

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management  & Business



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