Did you know 25% of our foods should be acid and 75% of our foods should be alkaline?
Over acidic bodies can cause aches and pains in the joints, inflammation, chronic pain, gout, arthritis, colds and flu, bacteria and viruses, tooth decay, liver problems, bad circulation, constipation, morning headaches, and eventually cancer.
Some acid forming foods are:
- dried fruits, white asparagus, artichokes, brussel sprouts.
- legumes, pulses, seeds, nuts, rye, barley, oats, maize.
- most dairy products.
- meat, fish, poultry.
- tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol, drugs, food additives, chocolate, packaged fruit juices.
Some Alkaline Foods include the following:
- most fresh fruits.
- most fresh vegetables.
- sprouted legumes lentils etc;
- sprouted seeds alfalfa etc;
- corn.
- buckwheat.
- rice (preferably brown).
- raw milk.
- live plain yoghurt.
- herbal teas.
- fresh fruit juices.
these are necessary as 75% of the total diet for a healthy body, over alkaline bodies are almost unheard of, most people have high acidic bodies.
Stress can affect acid levels, however most of the causes are dietary related. Many foods enter our digestive system in an acidic state and our amazing bodies can change them into alkaline foods.
A healthy PH balance also affects your mental clarity, energy levels and weight, all excellent reasons to make a change today.
The easiest tip to add extra alkaline foods to your diet is to simply squeeze the juice of half a lemon or lime into a warm glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. These fruits are acid and they turn alkaline in the body. Chlorophyll (green from plants) is another really efficient way of alkalising the body.
So Come On, You Can Do It, One Small Change Can Start A Big Change!