
How to get more bang for your buck just in time for the Silly Season to live on healthy food thats affordable and achievable

Affordable meals

When it comes to cooking you may feel that its more expensive than buying takeaway, In the long run what you save on your health and well-being it is definitely not. If you are smart and with some planning it can actually cost you way less

Learning to cook, increasing your confidence and repertoire of dishes will help you cook on a budget. You can learn to cook by ingredients you have rather than by recipe. You buy healthy ingredients that are on special and take them home see what else you have and learn to cook with what you have

Convenience foods are tempting when you’re in a hurry. They are generally less healthy and more expensive. Luckily, you don’t need be a Chef, just start with simple recipes that require a few ingredients and build up a repertoire of these that you can repeat and learn to improvise with what you have. Soon you should find that cooking from scratch is just as quick and easy as preparing prepackaged meals

Shop weekly and shop by yourself with a list of needs, not wants, go to a range of shops and buy dry goods when they are on special, don’t wait until you run out, buy non brand items, check value for money on products based on pr kilo price keep a clean well maintained dry store area.

Buy whats in season and preserve, cook and freeze, dry fruit and vegetables. This will give you variety all year round at a good price. You can specifically ask your grocer if they have any seconds at a reduced price. My locals have 2nds boxes. You can pick up for 3.00 each all you need to do is work with them within a day or two of shopping to save

Grow your own  I live in a sensational climate and grow alot of my own, you can too, just be sure to grow whats suitable to your climate, I grow a lot of edible greens sno pea tendrils, nasturtium leaves, rocket, wintercress, watercress, butter and cos lettuce to name a few and herbs which are costly at the supermarket but have them fresh to pick out of my own garden, now I feel ripped off if I have to buy them. Choose to grow for your climate, harvest and preserve goods at the peak of the season

Go meatless at least 3 times a week not only will you save your pocket, you will also improve your health. try adding some of these items into your pantry for some extra variety 

Fresh Vegetables remember most of us are lacking in the amount we eat of these in our diet, just vary the type for a clean eating, balanced diet

Eggs and Dairy  there are plenty of healthy dishes you can make with these items, Greek style yogurt is higher in protein and lower in sodium and carbohydrates than other yogurt but higher in fat so not too much (make your own), choose free range eggs they are also higher in protein but again not too many

Quinoa (pronounced KEENwah or kee-NOH-uh)

Whole Grains such as brown rice, barley, buckwheat eat them with these items to get a balance of the correct amino acids, beans, lentils, peanuts and  peas

Legumes or Pulses
Kidney, garbanzo/chickpeas, white, black, pinto, edamame and lentils are just a few of various beans available, again they lack some amino acids so they need to be eaten with whole grains as above

Nuts add to the dishes you cook for you & your crew remembering a handful per person pr day is a healthy amount

Buy in bulk and share amongst your friends. Invest in a sprouter, yoghurt maker, food dryer, domestic cryvac machine and extra freezer space if you need too. they will very soon pay for themselves

“So get to it and start shaving away at your budget and your waistline today”

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Cassandra Austin

Kitchen Coaching, Nutrition and Selfcare

A Corporate Chef with extra qualifications in< Diet and Nutrition, Food and Wellness, Food Psychology, Kitchen Medicine Vocational education trainer in Commercial Cookery, Dip Hospitality Management & Business


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