Raw honey boosts your immunity and your digestive system because it has 27 minerals, 22 amino acids and about 500 live enzymes in one table-spoon. Honey has been used for hundreds and thousands of years and researchers are still discovering more benefits of honey, here are some known benefits
It’s an excellent natural antiseptic
It’s an antioxidant and has cleansing properties
It can assist in healing ailments from conjunctivitis to athletes foot
It aids tissue healing and helps reduce inflammation and scarring
In addition, it is often used for treating digestive problems such as diarrhea, indigestion, stomach ulcers and gastroenteritis
It is believed to be very beneficial for eyesight, reducing effects of poisoning, stopping hiccups, treating urinary tract disorders, worm infestations, nausea and vomiting
Its anti-inflammatory actions helps in treating a sore throat
Honey also helps to metabolise fatty acids in the body If you are trying to lose weight, it’s very beneficial to your diet. Honey and lemon mixture helps your body to shift the extra fat stores, making it usable energy for regular body functions.
One of the most common natural skin care benefits with honey is related to treatment of minor acne which could be caused by hormonal change
Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent, place honey on the face for 20 minutes and rinse of for a good deep cleanse
One tsp of honey mixed with a mug of water washed on your hair after the last rinse would result to shiny and softer hair
Add honey to yoghurt, mix a little fresh orange oil and cinnamon for an excellent addition to your breakfast
Mix honey with soy sauce, garlic and five spice for a fantastic marinade for tofu, thick flesh fish, chicken or pork
Add honey to boiling water, lemon zest and cinnamon quill in a plunger for a beautiful tea
Add some raw honey to natural yoghurt, set with gelatin as a very healthy panacotta, serve with chargrilled fruit
Honey is not to be forgotten in the world of new products some times the old tried and true are over looked
So put the sugar bowl away and reach for the honey jar, another way to love your body more today