Did you know Blackcurrants have twice the potassium of Bananas, four times the vitamin C of oranges, twice the antioxidants of blueberries?

Black currants This innocuous-looking little berry is actually a petite powerhouse, gaining in popularity due its rich composition of anti-oxidants, flavonoids, vitamin’s & mineral’s
Kohlrabi, What is it? outstanding health benefits, a winter warrior with some funky new Cooking tips, read on……..

Kohlrabi is an interesting cross between a cabbage and a turnip and absolutely packed with nutritional goodies.
Rockmelon! Do you suffer muscle cramps? this beauty may offer relief and much more!!

A family member of squash and cucumber, the sweet and delicious cantaloupe melon is packed with nutrients and yet very low in calories.
Ruby Red Grapefruit, Wrinkle fighting, Anti cancer, Immune building can you afford not too indulge?
Health Benefits of Ruby Red Grapefruit The big, beautiful ruby red is absolutely bursting with vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, fibre, lycopene and naringenin. WELLNESS This sweet and tangy citrus fruit has won over the hearts and palettes of health conscious foodies and home cooks because of its effervescent sunshine punch of flavor and its […]
Oops haven’t blogged for a while, I have been in the South of France with some important findings to share!!

Travel is good for the Soul, Its been a while since my last blog, to be honest, even though still very passionate about what I do, we all need a break sometimes to get away from it to take a fresh look at our goals, choices, direction and focus. With lots of other great things […]
Mushrooms, Vitamin D, Immune boosting and great cooking tips read on for more facts………

Mushrooms are laden with nutritional goodness including Vitamin D aka the “sunshine vitamin,” B vitamins such as niacin, pantothenic acid and riboflavin, Beta-glucans, copper, ergothioneine, good fibre content, potassium, selenium and long-chain polysaccharides.
Carrots, what was the original colour of the carrot? read on to find out a best kept secret!!

This super charged veggie should have vitamin A emblazoned on its bright orange skin, but that is not the carrot’s only claim to fame. Did you know that the original colour of the carrot was the white centered purple ones appearing on our shelves now and they have 10 times more antioxidants than the orange […]
Are you a victim of the Snack Attack? Find out tips and Savvy Snacks that are good for you!!

I travel globally and often, this is one of those times that it’s really easy to eat the wrong thing if you are not organised, you are easily at the whim of the Mini Bar or Nearest fast food outlet after all you Room service takes about 20 minutes minimum generally.
What are Rubatagas?, PMS Soother, Immune booster, Migraine preventative, Low cal mashed potato alternative.

This cruciferous vegetable in the cabbage family is filled with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, calcium, carotenoids, fibre, glucosinolate, manganese, phosphorous, phytochemicals, thiamin and zinc.
Blood Orange, Vitamin C is critical to adrenal health, Immune booster, assists relaxation, serving tips learn more here…

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folic acid and anthocyanins are truly the superstars here in this beautiful little citrus fruit although it also contains good amounts of Vitamin A, calcium, fibre, potassium and water.