My New Years Resolution Tips
In an era where resolutions are thrown around fairly easily with limited commitment NOW is your opportunity to stop and truly start fresh for 2025. As the greatest advocate for all things healthy my New Year Resolution tips are as follows.
1. Commit to follow what you commit to
2. Make small sustainable changes, a glass of warm water and lemon juice first thing to kick start your liver, if you are a coffee drinker and take sugar, remove the sugar.
3. Get some true balance in life, rest and relaxation are no longer a benefit they are mandatory to have a healthy mind and body.
4. A walk each day is better than a huge workout once a week pick a beach, national park, mountain, or coffee strip on the coast to mix it up.
5. Above all keep the food balance in check, if it is normally fried make it grilled, if it’s wine each day try making it a spritzer (with soda). Reduce your red meat intake and ensure you have oily fish at least twice a week. Keep the fruit and vegetables to five serves a day it is not hard. If dessert is your must-have, try cutting it back to twice a week instead of every day. Consider fruit-based desserts and treats over refined sugar.
6. If you smoke just bloody stop we all fall off the wagon sometimes so it is important to forgive yourself, you cannot imagine the damage it does to not only you but to those you leave behind when you’re dead. Sounds dramatic see the statistics.
7. Take control of your garden we all have a pot with something in it, try the addition of fresh herbs in your diet and maybe the odd pot or two with salad greens, mix it up nasturtium, rocket, watercress, purslane are all good It will not only assist in relaxing you but also helps with the budget.
8. Forget the nightly news and listen to some passive music it truly helps with the relaxing mode. Let’s face it we live in heaven let’s at least try and enjoy it.
Happy New Year for 2025.
Cassandra Austin x